Articles Posted in Featured Lawsuits

Our lawyers are handling Similac and Enfamil infant formula lawsuits for families whose premature babies suffered or died from necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) after taking one of these formulas.  Our law firm is reviewing NEC lawsuits in all 50 states.

Medical research links cow milk-based infant formulas such as Similac and Enfamil to a dangerous neonatal medical condition known as necrotizing enterocolitis.  These newborn NEC formula lawsuits make a lot of allegations.  But at their core, they allege that the makers of these formulas knew of the risk of NEC and did nothing to warn families and give them a choice.

If your premature baby was diagnosed with NEC after being given Similac or Enfamil formula, you may be able to participate in a class action lawsuit against the formula companies and receive financial compensation for the harm that was done to your child.

Our lawyers can help you bring a Valsartan cancer lawsuit in all 50 states.

Valsartan is a popular blood-pressure drug used by millions of people in the U.S. and sold under the brand names Diofan and Exforge. But Valsartan was recalled after it was discovered that the drug was contaminated with dangerously high levels of a carcinogenic chemical called NDMA.

This has prompted thousands of Valsartan lawsuits by individuals who developed certain types of cancer after prolonged use of Valsartan.

Our lawyers are handling baby powder lawsuits in all 50 states. The talcum powder lawsuits against Johnson & Johnson have been ongoing for years. The lawsuits allege that prolonged use of talcum powder (or “talc”), the active ingredient in products such as Baby Powder and Shower to Shower, can cause ovarian cancer in some women.

This page provides a J&J talc power litigation update and discusses how the upcoming bankruptcy ruling impacts the ultimate settlement amounts in these ovarian cancer lawsuits.

Below are the latest talc powder lawsuit news and updates and what you can do to bring a claim in 2024.

Uber has been facing a growing number of allegations and civil lawsuits from rideshare passengers alleging that Uber drivers sexually assaulted them. The lawsuits against Uber allege that the company should be held liable for these sexual assaults because it negligently failed to screen its drivers properly.

Recently, a growing number of sexual assault lawsuits with similar allegations have been filed against Uber across the country. These cases were recently consolidated into an Uber new class action lawsuit (In re: Uber Technologies Inc., Passenger Sexual Assault Litigation – MDL No. 3084).  This new MDL has over 300 plaintiffs in July 2024, and it is expected to grow to thousands.

Our national mass tort firm is currently accepting new Uber sexual assault cases. If an Uber driver assaulted you, contact us today at 800-553-8082 or contact us online

This page explores Suboxone, its associated dental complications, and the subsequent Suboxone tooth decay lawsuits in 2024. Our lawyers are seeking settlement compensation for victims who have suffered tooth decay, tooth loss, and tooth erosion from Suboxone.

What is the Suboxone lawsuit about? The lawsuit is about what Suboxone does to your teeth. The core of every Suboxone lawsuit is that the defendants knew of the risk of severe tooth decay and other dental injuries. They did not convey that risk to prescribing doctors or patients because they chose profits over people.

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In this post, our Roundup lawyers will give you:

  1. an update on where things stand in the Roundup class action lawsuit in May 2024 (including updates from the last four trials, including the new $1.5 billion verdict on November 20, 2023, and the $2.25 billion verdict in Philadelphia)
  2. the likely direction the Roundup litigation will likely take moving forward and

Our lawyers handle Paraquat lawsuits in all 50 states. This page is about projected settlement payouts for a viable Paraquat lawsuit.

People who have developed Parkinson’s disease from Paraquat want to understand better the range of settlement amounts they can expect in their Paraquat lawsuit.

It is early in the Paraquat litigation. We have had a trial. Settlement compensation payouts are still speculative. But if the plaintiffs’ lawyers are successful, as expected, in this litigation, we can look at other similar injuries to get a settlement range.

Our law firm is handling baby food autism lawsuits in all 50 states.

Several popular brands of baby foods contain high levels of heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic, lead, and cadmium. These heavy metals are well-known neurotoxins. Consuming these toxic metals in baby foods may have caused thousands of children to develop autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders.

Many parents are filing a toxic baby food lawsuit to protect their children, alleging claims against the manufacturers of these contaminated baby foods. These baby food autism lawsuits allege the manufacturers knew about heavy metals in their products, and children developed autism from consuming them. 

Our lawyers are handling AFFF firefighting foam lawsuits around the country.

This page provides the most recent news and updates on the AFFF firefighting foam class action lawsuit and our prediction of the settlement amounts plaintiffs with AFFF cancer lawsuits can expect to receive. You will not get more updated news on the AFFF litigation anywhere else.

Our AFFF firefighting foam lawyers believe the defendants will settle most of these lawsuits in 2024.  Why? They will follow the same pattern as the water contamination lawsuits they settled for billions of dollars.
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