Florida Sex Abuse Lawsuits

Victims of sexual abuse or sexual assault have the right to file civil lawsuits and get financial compensation. Recent changes in the law are now making it easier for abuse victims to seek justice in the civil courts. This post will discuss how sex abuse victims can file civil lawsuits in Florida and look at the potential settlement value of these cases.

Florida Sex Abuse Lawsuit News and Updates

July 10, 2024: Restaurant Sex Abuse Lawsuit

Two plaintiffs have filed a lawsuit in Pinellas County, Florida, against a restaurant and its 70-year-old CEO, alleging sexual assault, battery, negligent supervision, sexual harassment, and retaliation under the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992 (FCRA). This lawsuit highlights a persistent issue of historical sexual abuse and harassment in the restaurant industry, where power dynamics and a lack of effective oversight often leave employees vulnerable.

The plaintiffs accuse the CEO of creating a sexually hostile work environment, marked by unwelcome sexual comments, sexual assault, and other misconduct. The core of their claim is that this man had a history of inappropriate sexual conduct and he intentionally and unlawfully engaged in unsolicited and unwelcome physical contact of a sexual nature with the plaintiffs. He physically grabbed, kissed, restrained, and touched them against their will, instilling in them a “fear of imminent peril.”

The lawsuit claims the corporate defendants are also vicariously liable for the CEO’s actions and negligent in addressing known risks. The plaintiffs seek compensatory and punitive damages for emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, and diminished earning capacity, along with claims of retaliatory termination for reporting the harassment. They are pursuing damages for lost wages, benefits, and legal costs.

July 3, 2024: New Uber Lawsuit

A Florida woman has filed an Uber sexual assault lawsuit alleging that she was sexually assaulted, harassed, battered, or otherwise attacked in Lee County, Florida on July 11, 2020 by her Uber driver.

The lawsuit was filed in federal court in California rather than Florida because Uber lawsuits are directly filed into the multidistrict litigation in the Northern District of California. This class action now has over 300 plaintiffs.

June 14, 2024: New Lawsuit in Pinellas County

In a new sexual assault lawsuit filed in Pinellas County, Florida, a family is suing Simon Capital GP, the owner and operator of a mall, for failing to maintain a safe environment. The complaint details how a convicted child sex offender was allowed to operate a store targeting families and children at the mall. The minor child sought employment at the bookstore, where she was subsequently sexually exploited while working there.

The story of what this guy and his twisted friend did to exploit this then-16-year-old girl was just awful.  In one of those worst nightmare-type scenarios, the father came to pick her daughter up from work early only to find that the store was closed early.  He was unable to find her because she was being molested in the closed store.  There are more details of interest but I do not want to give enough facts where someone reading this could identify the victim.

The plaintiffs argue that Simon Capital’s aggressive marketing created a false sense of security, luring families and minors to the mall. They claim the company failed to conduct proper background checks, thus negligently allowing a known sex offender to operate a child-focused business. The plaintiffs seek damages for negligence, attractive nuisance, and filial consortium, asserting that Simon Capital GP’s actions directly led to the child’s injuries and subsequent suffering.

April 25, 2024:  New Sex Trafficking Lawsuit

A new Florida sex trafficking lawsuit gives us the answer to whether plaintiffs in the state can file sex abuse claims anonymously.

The plaintiff in S.M. v. 4201 Orlando, Inc. sought the right to proceed under a pseudonym during pre-trial proceedings. The plaintiff had filed a motion to proceed pseudonymously due to the sensitive and intimate nature of the allegations involved, which include being sex trafficked and abused.

In the context of sex abuse lawsuits, the question is whether disclosing the plaintiff’s identity would require revealing information of the utmost intimacy. In a case like this, there is no question that if the plaintiff were compelled to reveal her identity, it would involve disclosing extremely intimate details of being a victim of human sex trafficking. This included non-consensual sex acts and physical abuse, which are integral to the plaintiff’s allegations against the defendants.

The court noted that once upon a time, plaintiffs alleging sexual assault were not allowed to proceed anonymously. But modern courts take a different view and consider various aggravating factors like the age of the plaintiff, threats of violence, and potential unfairness to the defendant. In this case, the plaintiff’s experiences were deemed sensitive, and disclosing her identity would require her to reveal deeply personal information.

Accordingly, the court concluded that the plaintiff’s substantial privacy rights in maintaining her anonymity outweighed the public interest in the disclosure of her identity. It emphasized that the public’s access to the proceedings and other case details on the docket would remain unaffected, except for the plaintiff’s true identity. Therefore, the motion for the plaintiff to proceed pseudonymously was granted, ensuring her identity remains protected during the pre-trial stages of the proceedings.

March 15, 2024 – Detention Center Sex Abuse

Pinellas County detectives arrested Sergeant Katelyn Gomez from the Juvenile Justice Detention Center for soliciting sexual activity with a juvenile inmate.
The investigation began after finding explicit letters and a photo of Gomez in the inmate’s cell. This woman did not take long. She was hired in January 2024. During her very short stint, she was instructed not to be alone with the juveniles; however, staff members observed her one-on-one with the victim several times. She admitted to writing the letters and developing a relationship with the inmate. She planned to have a sexual relationship and build a life with him post-release.

How Does Florida Define Sex Abuse?

For purposes of a civil lawsuit, sexual abuse, and sexual assault have the same definition in Florida as they do in the criminal law context. Under Florida law, sexual abuse is defined as intentional sexual contact or touching (either directly or through clothing) of the intimate parts of another person for the express purpose of gratifying the abuser or degrading the victim. This definition covers everything from forcible rape to groping.

The hallmark that defines all types and categories of sexual abuse or assault is the lack of consent. In the absence of consent, any form of sexual contact is actionable as sexual abuse or assault. Minors (under the age of 18) lack the legal capacity to give consent to sexual contact. Therefore, any intentional sexual contact by an adult with a minor is necessarily considered sexual abuse.

Florida’s Statute of Limitations for Sexual Abuse Lawsuits

A statute of limitations is basically a strict legal deadline for how long someone has to file a lawsuit. If the lawsuit is not filed before the statute of limitations passes, the plaintiffs lose their right to sue forever.

Florida has a somewhat complicated statute of limitations for civil lawsuits involving sexual abuse. The applicable SOL period in Florida varies depending on whether the victim was a child (under age 18) at the time the abuse occurred.

Child Victims

If the victim was a child when the abuse occurred, they have 7 years after they reach the age of majority (18) to file a lawsuit – so they have until their 25th birthday

Adult Victims

If the sexual abuse occurred after the victim turned 18, the victim has 4 years after they leave the dependency of the abuser; or 4 years from the time they “discover” that they were injured by the abuse. Fla. Stat. § 95.11(7)

Florida Statutes Section 95.11

Let’s break this statute down so we understand what we are dealing with in terms of the statute of limitations in Florida sex abuse cases.

Florida Statutes Section 95.11 outlines the general statutes of limitations for various types of actions in Florida Subsection (7) for “intentional torts based on abuse” and subsection (9) for “specified offenses on victims under age 16” are particularly relevant for civil sexual abuse cases.

Subsection (7): Intentional Torts Based on Abuse

This subsection specifies that actions founded on alleged abuse, including sexual abuse, may be commenced within seven years after the victim reaches the age of majority (which is 18 in Florida) or within four years after the victim leaves the dependency of the abuser, or within four years from the time of discovery by the injured party of both the injury and the causal relationship between the injury and the abuse, whichever occurs later. This provision aims to provide victims of abuse with a more extended period to bring forth a lawsuit, acknowledging that it often takes time for victims to come to terms with the abuse and its impact on their lives and seems and certainly seems to allow for repressed memory as a defense to missing the deadline to file a sexual abuse claim against the perpetrator.

Subsection (9): Specified Offenses on Victims Under Age 16

This subsection states that an action related to an act constituting a violation of Florida Statute 794.011 – that statute that defines sexual battery and it defines it broadly – involving a victim who was under the age of 16 at the time of the act can be filed at any time So this effectively removes the statute of limitations for such offenses, recognizing the particularly heinous nature of sexual offenses against minors and the need for justice, regardless of how much time has passed since the offense occurred.

What This Statute Means

Before our attorneys wrote this page, we read pages from other Florida sex abuse lawyers.  No one seems to answer the question cleanly that matters most. Is there a path to bring a sex assault lawsuit in Florida if a significant amount of time has passed since the abuse?  Let’s try and answer that question.

Florida law is very flexible about allowing children to sue their perpetrators.  The provisions directly allow survivors of sexual abuse to file lawsuits against the perpetrators of the abuse within the specified time frames, with certain types of abuse having no statute of limitations depending on the victim’s age at the time of the offense.

But, in practical terms, compensation for a Florida sex abuse lawsuit rarely involves compensation from the perpetrator because unless it is a Harvey Weinstein/Jeffery Epstein-type situation, the abuser does not have the money to compensate the victims.  So while the statute directly addresses actions against the abusers, lawsuits against institutions that negligently enabled the abuse would generally fall under claims of negligence, and that would have a two-year statute of limitations.   So, in a child clergy abuse lawsuit, you could file a lawsuit years later against the get verdict against the priest, but the statute of limitations would have passed for the claim against the church.

Example of the Florida Sex Abuse Statute of Limitations in Action

In Doe v. Archdiocese of Miami Inc. (2023), the District Court of Appeal of Florida addressed an appeal from “John Doe”, who sought damages against the Archdiocese of Miami for negligence and intentional infliction of emotional distress related to sexual abuse by a priest when Doe was a minor. The trial court had dismissed Doe’s clergy sex abuse lawsuit, citing the statute of limitations.

John Doe, who was 29 at the time of filing the lawsuit, claimed that the Archdiocese was negligent in failing to protect him from sexual abuse and that its intentional acts of ignoring and concealing accusations of child sexual abuse directly resulted in his emotional distress. The abuse allegedly occurred dozens of times between 1999 and 2001, when Doe was between seven and nine years old.

The appellate court affirmed the trial court’s dismissal of the negligence claim based on the statute of limitations, which expired four years after the alleged abuse occurred. However, the court reversed the dismissal of the intentional infliction of emotional distress claim.  Why?  Because that conduct was intentional.

This decision was based on the Florida Statute § 95.11(9) that we have been talking about, which allows actions related to sexual battery involving a victim under the age of 16 to be commenced “at any time,” provided the claim was not time-barred before July 1, 2010. Since Doe’s intentional infliction of emotional distress claim was related to sexual battery and he was under 16 at the time of the abuse, the appellate court ruled that his claim could be brought at any time.

The court’s analysis also touched on the application of Florida Statute § 95.11(7) regarding intentional torts based on abuse. The court disagreed with the Archdiocese’s argument that this statute only applies to individual abusers, not institutions. It affirmed that the statute’s broad definitions of abuse include acts by institutions, allowing Doe’s IIED claim against the Archdiocese for its own alleged intentional acts related to the sexual battery.

Is the fact that the court allowed the intentional infliction of emotional distress claim to go forward a big deal?   Is it effectively an end-run around the statute of limitations?  No and no, unfortunately. The reality is that it will prove impossible in most cases to marshal evidence to support that intentional infliction claim.

The Florida Supreme Court refused to hear this appeal.

Holding Third Parties Liable for Sexual Abuse in Florida

If someone has been sexually abused or attacked, they have the right to sue in civil court to get compensation. This means they can ask for money to make up for what happened. Even if they didn’t tell anyone about the abuse or didn’t go to the police, they can still take legal action.

But who can they sue? Well, they can sue the person who hurt them, but that might not lead to getting any money, especially if that person is already dead or in jail.

The main aim of a civil lawsuit for sexual abuse is to hold another party responsible. Holding third parties liable is the key to financial success in these cases. This could be someone else who was supposed to protect the victim but didn’t. For instance, if the abuse happened at school, the school might be responsible for not stopping it or looking into complaints about the abuser. Other examples of these responsible parties could be churches, organizations like the Boy Scouts, or any group where the abuse took place because they didn’t take proper care to prevent it.

But, again, all of this is limited by the statute of limitations.

Florida Juvenile Detention Center Sex Abuse Lawsuits

Sexual abuse of minor inmates has long been a major problem at juvenile detention centers in Florida, despite various efforts at reform. Recent evidence and investigations have shed light on the pervasive nature of this abuse, sadly showing that juvenile detainees in Florida were frequently subjected to sexual abuse by the very staff members who were supposed to be protecting them.

Detention center abuse often occurs in a variety of settings within these facilities, including isolation cells, dormitories, and even during supposed counseling sessions. Staff members, who hold positions of authority and responsibility, exploit their power over the inmates, leading to a toxic environment where abuse can thrive. This abuse is not only a gross violation of the inmates’ rights but also a significant failure of the system designed to rehabilitate and protect them.

The impact of this abuse on the victims is as awful as you would expect. Many suffer from severe psychological trauma, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. The abuse also disrupts their education and rehabilitation, making it more difficult for them to reintegrate into society upon release. The long-term effects of such trauma is often devastating, affecting the victims’ ability to form healthy relationships, maintain employment, and lead fulfilling lives.

The Florida Department of Juvenile Justice (FDJJ) is now facing a growing number of sexual abuse lawsuits. These lawsuits allege that FDJJ negligently enabled the abuse to occur by ignoring complaints from inmates, failing to properly screen staff members, and failing to adopt reasonable security measures. The lawsuits detail harrowing accounts of abuse, often citing a lack of response from the administration when complaints were made. In many cases, the victims were either not believed or were punished for speaking out, further silencing other potential victims and allowing the abuse to continue unchecked.

The Screening of Employees

One of the critical issues highlighted in these lawsuits is the FDJJ’s inadequate screening process for hiring staff. Many of the accused staff members had prior histories of misconduct or red flags that should have disqualified them from working with vulnerable populations. The failure to conduct thorough background checks has allowed individuals with questionable pasts to gain employment within these facilities, where they are then able to perpetrate further harm.

Inadequate Training in Looking for Signs of Abuse

In addition to hiring failures, Florida detention center sex abuse lawsuits point to systemic problems within the juvenile facilities, such as insufficient training for staff on how to handle reports of abuse and a lack of proper oversight and accountability measures. Staff members often lack the necessary training to recognize and respond appropriately to signs of abuse. There are things that have to be done when there is a pervasive culture of silence, and these sex abuse lawsuits contend that typically nothing was done –  few cared enough – to take steps to make sure children were safe.

Little Effort to Install Systems to Make Sure These Kids Are Safe

Security measures within these facilities are also called into question. Many of the centers lack adequate surveillance systems, making it difficult to monitor staff-inmate interactions and detect instances of abuse. Furthermore, the physical layout of the facilities often includes numerous isolated areas where abuse can occur without detection. This lack of reasonable security measures creates an environment where sex offenders think they can sexually abuse children with little fear of being caught or held accountable.

Detention Center Sex Abuse Lawsuits Can Effectuate Change

In response to these allegations and the growing public outcry, the FDJJ has promised reforms aimed at addressing the systemic issues that have allowed the abuse to persist. These reforms include revising hiring practices to ensure more thorough background checks, implementing better training programs for staff, and enhancing surveillance and security measures within the facilities. Additionally, there are calls for independent oversight to ensure that the reforms are effectively implemented and that there is accountability for any further instances of abuse.

The lawsuits and ongoing investigations into the FDJJ’s handling of sexual abuse allegations have brought much-needed attention to a deeply troubling issue. They have sparked a broader conversation about the treatment of juvenile detainees and the urgent need for reform within the juvenile justice system. As the legal battles continue, the hope is that meaningful changes will be made to protect the rights and well-being of young people in the system and to prevent further instances of abuse.

Florida Juvenile Detention Centers

Some of the major juvenile detention facilities in Florida that have had or will likely see detention center sex abuse lawsuits include:

Facility Location
Alachua Regional Juvenile Detention Center Gainesville
Brevard Juvenile Detention Center Cocoa
Broward Juvenile Detention Center Fort Lauderdale
Duval Regional Juvenile Detention Center Jacksonville
Hillsborough Juvenile Detention Center West Tampa
Miami-Dade Regional Juvenile Detention Center Miami
Orange Regional Juvenile Detention Center Orlando
Palm Beach Juvenile Detention Center West Palm Beach
Pinellas Regional Juvenile Detention Center Clearwater
Southwest Florida Regional Juvenile Detention Center Fort Myers

Florida Sex Abuse Settlement Amounts

Successful plaintiffs in sexual abuse civil lawsuits are entitled to the same types of damages as those in other tort cases, including compensation for medical expenses, lost wages or earning potential, and mental pain and suffering. Additionally, Florida law allows for punitive damages to be awarded in sexual abuse cases, which can significantly increase the total settlement compensation.

Sexual abuse claims tend to have very high average settlement amounts due to the nature of the offenses. Juries often react strongly to stories of children being sexually abused, resulting in substantial jury awards for pain and suffering. These large awards typically influence the settlement amounts, driving them higher.

Moreover, third-party defendants in sexual abuse cases, such as schools, churches, and other institutions, are often very eager to settle these cases quickly. They aim to avoid the negative publicity and damage to their public image that can accompany a trial. This desire to protect their reputation provides an additional incentive for third-party defendants to offer larger settlements to resolve the cases swiftly and discretely.

Florida Sex Abuse Lawsuits Against Doctors

Over recent years, there has been a notable increase in lawsuits against doctors for sexual abuse across the country, including in Florida.

It is not that more doctors are abusing women.  But now, women are increasingly unwilling to tolerate inappropriate behavior from men, regardless of their position or authority, and are stepping up and bringing sex abuse lawsuits against doctors. Victims can sue doctors and healthcare providers for damages, including pain and suffering, medical expenses, and loss of income.

Sexual abuse lawsuits against doctors in Florida are not categorized as medical malpractice lawsuits. They are sexual battery lawsuits, the same as you would bring against any other predator.

According to Florida law, sexual battery involves non-consensual oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another, or the anal or vaginal penetration of another by any object. When a doctor commits such acts, it constitutes a criminal offense and also gives rise to civil liability.

The ramifications for doctors found guilty of sexual battery are severe, encompassing both criminal penalties and substantial civil liabilities. Juries do not like doctors who abuse women.  These doctor sex abuse lawsuits serve as a deterrent and underscore the seriousness with which such offenses are treated. Healthcare institutions also face scrutiny and potential liability for failing to prevent or address such abuses, highlighting the importance of rigorous hiring practices and oversight that are not much different from the detention center lawsuits we talk about above.

Florida Sex Abuse Settlements and Verdicts

  • $49,268,906 Verdict: Plaintiff alleged that she was sexually abused by the defendant when she was a sixteen-year-old student at South Dade High School in Homestead, FL. The defendant was employed as a teacher at the school during that time, and the plaintiff was one of his students. The acts of sexual misconduct were alleged to have occurred inside the school during school hours and inside the defendant’s classroom. Plaintiff claimed that the defendant sexually abused her on numerous occasions by engaging in oral sex and digital penetration of her vagina and that the abuse escalated to rape. The rape and unlawful sexual relationship was discovered by a former student, who e-mailed the school’s principal. An investigation revealed numerous sexually explicit text messages and photographs sent to the plaintiff by the defendant.
  • $3,000,000 Verdict: Plaintiff claimed that her five-year-old daughter was sexually abused while attending defendant Discovery Day Care. The Director of the facility allegedly allowed her teenage son to visit and stay with her while she worked. The plaintiff claimed that the defendant was negligent in the supervision of the kids and that the teenage boy sexually abused her daughter at the daycare during naptime. The abuse included inappropriate touching and having the 5-year-old girl perform oral sex on the 13-year-old boy.
  • $19,200,000 Verdict: The plaintiff alleged she was sexually abused by the defendant for five years when she was 3-8 years old. The defendant was a relative, and the abuse, which included oral sex and vaginal penetration, took place in their shared residence. The plaintiff that the defendant committed sexual offenses against her at least 400 times.
  • $70,000 Verdict: The plaintiff was a single mother working as a topless dancer. She alleged that the defendant, a police officer, coerced her into a sexual relationship by having her arrested on an allegedly false drug charge and then threatening her with prosecution and taking her away from her child if she did not have sex with him.
  • $500,000 Verdict: The plaintiff alleged that she was sexually abused by a tattoo artist when she went to get a tattoo. She sued the tattoo shop owner claiming that she knew or should have known that the tattoo artist had a history of similar actions. On at least one prior occasion, the tattoo artist had been accused of sexually assaulting a client.

Contact Us About Florida Sexual Abuse Lawsuits

If you were the victim of sexual abuse and want to file a sex abuse lawsuit in Florida, contact us today at 800-553-8082.

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