Articles Posted in Tylenol

Tylenol autism lawsuits are being filed nationwide with a new Tylenol Autism class action lawsuit – technically an MDL, as we explain below – now certified in federal court. But, as we discuss below, that MDL is on the thinnest of ice.

We are encouraging parents interested in bringing a Tylenol lawsuit to consider bringing a toxic baby food lawsuit.

Update: The federal court cases are dismissed. There is an appeal. See the update below that discusses your options moving forward.

New medical research has recently shown that using Tylenol (acetaminophen) during pregnancy can increase the risk of having a child with autism. This has prompted many parents to file product liability lawsuits against acetaminophen retailers and manufacturers for failing to warn about the dangers of using Tylenol during pregnancy.


The Tylenol autism lawsuits are effectively over, at least in federal court. In December 2023, the Judge in the Tylenol autism class action MDL ruled that the plaintiffs’ scientific evidence linking autism and ADHD to prenatal exposure to Tylenol was not reliable enough to be admissible in court. This ruling left the plaintiffs without any admissible evidence to prove their claims and effectively ended the Tylenol autism litigation in federal courts. Tylenol autism lawsuits are still being pursued in state courts, but there is far less optimism. Parents of children with autism have other options for pursuing compensation, including toxic baby food autism lawsuits.

The latest scientific research has shown that high doses of Tylenol or generic acetaminophen during pregnancy can impact fetal brain development and increase the risk of having a baby born with ADHD or ADD. In response to this new evidence showing that Tylenol during pregnancy is linked to ADHD, many parents are now pursuing product liability lawsuits against the companies that manufacture and sell acetaminophen.

Last year, the Tylenol ADHD lawsuits across the country were consolidated into a new class action MDL that could eventually lead to a global settlement in which victims are paid financial compensation. Our national product liability attorneys are accepting Tylenol ADD or ADHD cases from parents of children living with ADHD after the mother used a significant amount of acetaminophen during pregnancy.

Tylenol ADHD Litigation Updates:

The Tylenol lawsuits are now essentially dead (barring a successful appeal) in federal court after the judge in the Tylenol autism MDL ruled that none of the plaintiffs’ evidence establishing a link between autism and Tylenol met the standards for admissibility in court.

This effectively means that all of the cases in the Tylenol autism MDL will be dismissed, and no Tylenol autism lawsuits will be filed in federal courts moving forward. In this post, we will explain the basis for Judge Cote’s pivotal ruling and discuss the future of Tylenol autism lawsuits in state courts.

The future of the Tylenol autism/ADHD lawsuits in federal court will largely depend on the outcome of the upcoming Daubert challenges regarding the admissibility of the each side’s expert witnesses on the issue of causation. If the MDL Judge rules that the plaintiffs’ causation experts should be excluded because their scientific opinions are unreliable, it will mean the end of the Tylenol autism class action MDL.

Defendants Seek to Exclude Plaintiffs’ Experts

Both sides, plaintiffs and defendants, filed their separate objections seeking to exclude the expert testimony of the scientists retained by the other side. This post will summarize the defendants’ Daubert objections for and motions to exclude the opinions of the plaintiffs’ experts. Below is a summary of each of the separate expert witnesses retained by the plaintiffs and a brief summary of their opinions.

Recent scientific studies have found that using Tylenol (or generic acetaminophen) during pregnancy disrupts fetal development and may increase the risk of having a baby with autism. This new research has sparked a growing wave of product liability lawsuits by parents of children born with autism after acetaminophen use during pregnancy.

Since the Tylenol autism lawsuits were consolidated into a class action MDL last year, MDL Judge Denise Cote has progressed the litigation forward at a very rapid pace. As of September 2023, the initial round of Daubert briefs challenging the expert witnesses on both sides have been submitted. The outcome of the Daubert challenges will determine the future of this litigation. If Judge Cote rules that the opinions of the plaintiffs’ experts are not admissible, it will effectively end the MDL. If, however, she denies the motions to exclude the plaintiffs’ experts, we could actually see a major global settlement next year.

In this post, our lawyers estimate what the possible settlement amounts of a Tylenol autism lawsuit might be.

The fate of the Tylenol autism class action will turn on the outcome of the upcoming Daubert challenges in which each side objects to the admissibility of the other side’s expert witnesses on the issue of causation. If Judge Cote excludes the plaintiffs’ causation experts because their scientific opinions are unreliable, it will mean the end of the Tylenol autism lawsuits (at least in federal courts). Conversely, it will be game on if she finds that the plaintiffs’ experts are admissible.

Plaintiffs Seek to Exclude Defense Experts

This week, both the plaintiffs filed their objections to the defense experts, and the defendants filed their own objections to the scientists retained by the plaintiffs. This post will summarize the plaintiffs’ Daubert objections for each defense expert.

Parents around the country have been filing lawsuits against Tylenol manufacturers and retailers alleging that the use of the popular pain medication during pregnancy caused their children to develop autism. These lawsuits are based on new scientific research showing a link between the use of Tylenol (or acetaminophen) during pregnancy and autism.

Last week, the lawsuits alleging that the use of Tylenol or generic acetaminophen during pregnancy caused autism were consolidated into a new class action MDL. Now all Tylenol autism lawsuits in federal courts will be consolidated in a new MDL in the Southern District of New York. This is a significant step forward in the Tylenol autism litigation.

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