Articles Posted in Medical Malpractice

On this page we will look at lawsuits against Maryland nursing homes for abuse, neglect and malpractice. If your elderly parent or relative died or was seriously injured due to nursing home negligence or abuse, you can file a lawsuit against the nursing home facility and get financial compensation.

Plaintiffs in Maryland nursing home lawsuits have a very high success rate, and most nursing home facilities prefer to settle cases before they go to trial.  This page will also look at the average settlement amounts you will see in nursing home lawsuits in Maryland.

When Can You Sue a Nursing Home in Maryland

This page will look at medical malpractice lawsuits based on the theory of lack of informed consent by the doctor or healthcare provider. In non-emergency situations, doctors are required to obtain a patient’s informed consent before rendering any type of medical treatment or performing any sort of procedure. If they fail to obtain informed consent, the doctor can be held liable for medical malpractice.

Lack of Informed Consent Claims

In Maryland, the law requires doctors and healthcare providers to fully explain any proposed treatment or medical procedure to the patient before moving forward. This includes a duty to explain both the benefits of the procedure or treatment, and warning the patient of any material risks or dangers inherent in the therapy or procedure. The explanation from the doctor must enable the patient to reasonably understand the risks and benefits and make an intelligent and informed choice about whether or not to undergo such treatment.

This page digs into medical malpractice lawsuits in Nevada. Our lawyers focus on the potential settlement amounts victims see, often strong settlements in spite of Nevada’s cap on noneconomic damages.

The aim is to provide you with an understanding of what your medical negligence claim might be worth in terms of a settlement or jury payout. Our lawyers also explain Nevada’s medical malpractice laws in layman’s terms, as if we were explaining them to you directly, not as an explanation for a Nevada malpractice attorney.

If you have a potential claim, you want to know what it it worth. The main objective of any personal injury or wrongful death claim is to secure financial compensation.

If you are having a hard time contemplating how “unauthorized penis surgery” can happen, you are not alone. I had the same reaction when I first saw the headline about this case. But as explained below, unauthorized penis surgery is something that actually happened to a man in California and he got a malpractice award of $9 million.

Before getting into the details of the case, it is worth noting here that California caps damages for pain & suffering in malpractice cases at $250,000. This is one of the strictest caps on damages in the entire country, but it didn’t prevent the plaintiff in this case from getting a big award for what happened to this penis.

This post is about this case but also provides settlement and verdicts in penis injury medical malpractice cases.

maple syrup urine diseaseBritain’s National Screening Committee has recommended screening every newborn infant for four additional disorders. One of these is maple syrup urine disease, a rare disorder that impacts only about 1 in 185,000 children.

But here is a crazy fact.  This abnormality occurs with far greater frequency in the Old Order Mennonite population.  Who much more frequently?

These people have an incidence rate of around 1 in 380 newborns.  That is incredible, right?   There is also a high frequency in Ashkenazi Jews,  although the incidence rate is much lower, approximately 1 in 50,000 (but still an almost four-fold greater risk).  

What Is Maple Urine Disease?

Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD), also known as branched-chain ketoaciduria, is a rare genetic metabolic disorder that affects the body’s ability to break down certain amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. The name “maple syrup urine disease” comes from the distinctive sweet, maple syrup-like odor of the urine of affected individuals.

MSUD is caused by mutations in genes that are responsible for the breakdown of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), namely leucine, isoleucine, and valine. These amino acids cannot be properly metabolized in individuals with MSUD, leading to the buildup of toxic byproducts in the body.

This genetic abnormality creates a real risk to the child by disrupting the normal function of amino acids inside the body which can prevent the body from digesting some forms of protein and processing certain amino acids.   These proteins can be toxic to the brain.  Symptoms range from mild, such as vomiting, to severity where the patient will have seizures and coma and, potentially, a brain injury. These symptoms can be turned around with a particular diet, generally, one that is low in protein.  This often means severe restrictions on meat, fish, eggs, dairy foods, whole grain flour, beans, and nuts. If untreated, the risk can go up to brain injury and death.


The symptoms of MSUD can vary in severity and may include poor feeding, vomiting, developmental delays, seizures, and a distinctive odor in the urine and sweat. If left untreated, the accumulation of toxic substances can lead to severe neurological problems and even coma.


Treatment for MSUD typically involves a special low-protein diet that restricts BCAAs, along with dietary supplements and regular monitoring of blood amino acid levels. In some cases, individuals with MSUD may require medical formulas that are specially formulated to meet their nutritional needs while minimizing BCAA intake. Early diagnosis and prompt management are crucial to preventing the serious complications associated with MSUD.

Most Common Manifestation

The most common type of this condition manifests itself in the first week of the baby’s life, usually shortly after the baby’s first ingestion of milk.   One big sign:  the baby’s urine will smell similar to maple syrup, thus the name.

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Our law firm handles medical malpractice cases around the country.  These are some of the questions we are most commonly asked by people who have suffered or lost a loved one because of the medical malpractice of a doctor or other healthcare provider.

What Is the Average Settlement for Medical Malpractice?

If you have a potential medical malpractice claim, you want to know what the average settlement value is for malpractice cases.  But, even more specifically, you want to know the expected settlement payout in your case.

Our lawyers handle cervical cancer misdiagnosis lawsuits throughout the country. If you think you may have been the victim of cervical cancer misdiagnosis, reach out to us.  Our cervical misdiagnosis lawyers can help you or at least send you in the right direction.

Cervical Cancer

According to the American Cancer Society, more than one million people in the United States are diagnosed with cancer each year.  Cancer is a disease that manifests from the uncontrolled proliferation of cells that transform from normal into cancerous cells.  The human immune system sometimes has the potential to eliminate cancerous cells. But cancer cells can have the ability to turn off or evade the immune system. When this happens, cancer cells can grow unchecked until diagnosed and treated.

Cauda equina syndrome is a neurological disorder that stems from an injury to the nerve root bundle that exits the spinal cord.

Symptoms of CES include severe back pain, weakness or numbness in the legs, bowel or bladder dysfunction, and sexual dysfunction. If not treated promptly and adequately, CES can lead to permanent nerve damage and even paralysis.

When a patient presents with symptoms of cauda equina syndrome, healthcare professionals must recognize the condition promptly and provide appropriate treatment. Unfortunately, medical malpractice can occur when healthcare providers fail to diagnose or properly treat CES, leading to permanent nerve damage, paralysis, and other long-term injuries.

If you or a loved one has suffered from CES due to medical malpractice, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Our experienced malpractice attorneys can help you understand your legal rights and pursue justice via a medical malpractice lawsuit on your behalf.

cauda equina settlements

The treatment for cauda equina syndrome is generally immediate surgical decompression. The sooner this can be achieved, the better. You usually have a 48-hour window of opportunity to reverse the symptoms. The malpractice lawsuits occur when the symptoms were there to be seen during that window but were missed, usually in the ER or by a primary care doctor, or by the surgical staff after spinal surgery.

Cauda Equina Syndrome Causes and Symptoms

CES is caused by compression of the cauda equina nerves located at the base of the spinal cord. The condition can result from a variety of underlying factors, including:

  • Herniated disc
  • Trauma to the spinal cord
  • Tumor or lesion on the spinal cord
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Infection or inflammation

Symptoms of cauda equina syndrome can include:

  • Severe back pain
  • Weakness or numbness in the legs
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Numbness in the groin or genital area
  • Loss of sensation in the buttocks, inner thighs, or back of the legs

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A lawsuit filed against the Cleveland VA Medical Center has settled for $500,000. The lawsuit was filed after the death of a 59 year old veteran, who was being operated on to repair a hernia. What he was not told was that the VA surgeon had only been licensed for a few months, and that this was the first time that he had ever performed the procedure by himself. Experience matters is such a cliche. In surgery, data shows time and time again that experience is everything. Sadly, a hole was made in the deceased man’s intestines during the surgery, allowing the contents of his bowel to spill out into his abdomen – a hole which the VA hospital failed to recognize for several days. The deceased became very sick after developing an infection, and died several months later. Just a tragic, sensless story.

Hernia Repair Verdicts and Settlements