Dr. William Thompson Sex Abuse Lawsuits

This page will look at the growing tide of lawsuits alleging that William Thompson IV, M.D., a prominent doctor in Orange County, California, sexually abused many of his male patients during examinations. A growing number of men have come forward and filed lawsuits alleging that Dr. Thompson performed unnecessary rectal and genital exams on them for his own sexual gratification. This page will look at who is eligible to file a lawsuit against Dr. Thompson and what the potential settlement value of these cases could be.


Doctor Sex Abuse Lawsuits

About Dr. William Thompson

Dr. William Thompson was a fairly prominent and respected doctor for decades in Orange County, California. Dr. Thompson earned his medical degree from Autonomous University of Guadalajara Med. School in 2000. Dr. Thompson was an infectious disease specialist and his practice was based in Newport Beach, CA.

Dr. Thompson’s practice focused primarily on treating members of the LGBTQ community. In addition to treating his patients for infectious diseases, including HIV, Dr. Thompson often provided “primary care” to many of his patients. Dr. Thompson was also affiliated with Hoag Hospital Newport Beach.

Allegations of Sexual Abuse Against Dr. Thompson

In 2023, allegations of inappropriate sexual touching began to emerge from a growing number Dr. Thompson’s former male patients. The Newport Beach Police Department and the California Department of Consumer Affairs launched investigations into Dr. Thompson based on complaints from former patients. This investigation eventually led to Dr. Thompson being arrested in September 2023 and charged with sexually assaulting 9 male patients between 2016 and 2020. Dr. Thompson’s medical license has been suspended.

All of the former patients now accusing Dr. Thompson are men and their allegations against the doctor recall very similar acts of abuse. Under the pretext of providing necessary or preventative medical care to certain male patients, Dr. Thompson would bring them in for prostate exams. Then Dr. Thompson would subject the patients to “overly aggressive” and excessively frequent prostate exams, that often-involved unnecessary touching. Some victims alleged that after his finished the prostate exam, Dr. Thompson would should the patient how aroused he was from doing the exam.

Dr. Thompson’s victims claim that his sexual abuse of them caused major emotional damage. Among other things, many of the victims claim that their trust in doctors has been shattered.

Lawsuits Against Dr. Thompson

Recently, a group of Dr. Thompson’s former patients joined together in filing a civil lawsuit against him and against Hoag Hospital Newport Beach, where Dr. Thompson was affiliated. A total of 73 men are named as plaintiffs in the lawsuit against Dr. Thompson, which was filed in Orange County Superior Court in January 2024.

In addition to Dr. Thompson, the civil lawsuit also seek to hold Hoag Hospital liable. The lawsuit asserts that Hoag Hospital either knew or “should have known” about Dr. Thompsons conduct. Specifically, the plaintiffs claim that there were numerous red flags that should have altered the hospital that something was not right with Dr. Thompson’s pattern of treatment.

Civil Lawsuits for Sexual Abuse in California

In California (like most other states) victims of sexual abuse or assault have the right to bring a civil lawsuit and pursue financial compensation. Victims can bring a sexual abuse lawsuit in California regardless of whether criminal charges were filed in connection to the abuse. Victims can sue even if they never told anyone about what happened.

Sexual assault or abuse by a doctor or medical professional is a crime. Doctors who commit sexual assault are frequently criminally prosecuted and can have their medical license revoked. The problem with pursuing criminal charges is that you as the victim have no real control over the process. The authorities may or may not take you seriously and there is no guarantee that they will actually bring charges.

By contrast, every victim of sexual abuse by a doctor has a right to bring a civil lawsuit against the doctor for sexual battery. Victims can bring a sex abuse lawsuit against a doctor even if they never reported the abuse to the police or even told anyone about what happened.

What is Sexual Abuse By a Doctor?

Identifying inappropriate behavior by a doctor can be challenging because medical examinations often involve the exposure of intimate body parts and physical contact. Generally, sexual assault by a medical professional occurs when a doctor violates your privacy by engaging in unwarranted sexual touching. Any type of sexual touching that does not have a valid medical purpose and is done for the purpose of sexual gratification is considered sexual abuse.

Estimated Settlement Value of Dr. Todd Sex Abuse Lawsuits

Doctor sexual abuse lawsuits generally have a high settlement value. Our sex abuse lawsuits estimate that the lawsuits against Dr. Thompson will have an individual settlement value range between $600,000 and $1,500,000.

One factor that could potentially push the value of the Dr. Thompson sex abuse lawsuits significantly higher is whether the plaintiffs can successfully show that the hospital defendant (Hoag Hospital) was negligent. If the plaintiffs can establish that the hospital knew or had reason to know that Dr. Thompson was performing inappropriate sexual examinations, and did nothing about it, the hospital will be willing to spend significant money to settle the cases.

Contact Us About a Sex Abuse Lawsuit Against Dr. William Thompson

More and more former patients of Dr. Thompson are coming forward and filing lawsuits. If you were a victim of Dr. Thompson and you want to hold him accountable, call us today at 800-553-8082 or contact us online.

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